The stoat is a small mustelid, related to the weasel and otter. It has an orange body, black-tipped tail and distinctive bounding gait. Spot it on grassland, heaths and in woodlands across the UK…
The stoat is a small mustelid, related to the weasel and otter. It has an orange body, black-tipped tail and distinctive bounding gait. Spot it on grassland, heaths and in woodlands across the UK…
The lightbulb sea squirt is common around much of the UK. Its easy to see where its name came from!
A bizarre half lobster/half crab, this squat lobster is one of the true stunners of the rocky shore!
The Government has bowed to pressure from the National Farmers Union and agreed to authorise the use of the highly damaging neonicotinoid thiamethoxam for the treatment of sugar beet seed in 2021…
It's easy to see where this small starfish got its name, it really does look like a little star-shaped cushion. Keep an eye out under rocks next time you're rockpooling for this little…
These feisty crustaceans are the ‘Houdinis’ of the rocky shore, evading capture as soon as disturbed!
Bringing a piece of your holiday home is a great way of keeping the memories alive – just make sure it’s wildlife-friendly!
Use the blank canvas of your garden to make a home for wildlife.
Another member of the echinoderm phylum, feather stars share some characteristics with true starfish, but also have their very own intriguing adaptations and behaviours, which make them a…
What does it mean to be a fly? True flies are a group of insects, which are characterized by their two wings. That gives them the name Diptera from the Greek “di” (two) and “Pteron” meaning wing…
It’s been a busy 4 months! I have been trying for years to gain a career in conservation, in particular with The Wildlife Trusts. This is how I got on.
Everyone has heard of and seen thistles, and - if they have been unlucky enough - felt them too!